
Bruce Holland:

Workplace Wizard

Contact Bruce

+64 21 620 456

16 Kauri Street, Woburn, Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand

Business models based on beauty

The current business model, now over 100 years old, is based on control, isolation and fear. These characteristics are abusive to any living being. A business model based on love, truth and beauty leads is far stronger.

I'm sure beauty is one of the most underrated ideas in business. When I talk about beauty, I have in mind a combination of ideas like:

  1. Being of human scale
  2. Being life affirming
  3. Being in balance and harmony with nature
  4. Being close to the God that exists in all of us
  5. Being deep in the sense of universal truth
  6. Being elegant, simple and easy to understand
  7. Being of the essence or getting to the heart of the issue
  8. Based on new and original insights.

The search for beauty has driven much of our progress. It was the search for beauty that drove Einstein. He believed nature displayed a beauty that was discernible, and that a characteristic feature of this beauty was simplicity. He used beauty as his most important measure of success. He always tested his thoughts and discoveries against a measure of beauty. Imagine his reaction if his famous formula (E=M C2) had had 20 factors. Max Planck wrote that in Einstein's general theory of relativity "the intimate union between the beautiful, the true and the real has again been proved". Einstein's concept of beauty drove him to spend the last decades of his life in an unsuccessful search for a unified field theory.

Managers also need to get into the habit of testing their thinking and their results against a three part scale to measure the beauty of their work:

  1. Does it pass the WOW scale? 1!'A real turnoff'. 10 'I love this.'
  2. Does it pass the design scale? 1!'Repulsive/unfriendly'. 10 'Breathtaking.'
  3. Does it pass the worthiness scale? 1!'Who care?' 10 'Earth shattering.'

Bruce Holland

Virtual Group Business Consultants

email: Phone: +6421 620 456 or Skype Bruce.Holland web:

Bruce helps large mature organisations be more focused, fast and flexible. Places where people have more depth, connection and meaning. "Liberating the Human spirit at work." He is one of New Zealand's most experienced change agents and is the founder of Virtual Group Business Consultants Limited.

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