
Recent feedback

"The session in Action Meetings will be very useful in day-to-day work situations. Good structure, easy to use".
"Made me understand the importance of participants in meetings".
"One of the most useful training experiences I have had. Was engaging and interesting, interactive and encouraging".

Virtual specialists


Action Meetings

Improved outcomes, faster

Meetings are essential to business. They cost more than you think, especially if they don't achieve their intended outcomes. Recent independent research confirms Deemac's findings that meetings are expensive, unproductive, frustrating and waste time.

Directly addressing the reasons why meetings fail, Action Meetings provides a highly effective method for conducting meetings of all types. Spin-off benefits include productivity, efficiency and satisfaction in the workplace.

Managers spend 29% of their time on meetings

Management Systems Research Group
University of South Australia (1999)

Key benefits from Action Meetings include:

  1. Instant time-savings - the length of a meeting is typically reduced by at least 23% - giving you more time to do other important tasks.
  2. Your meetings generate actions.
  3. Participants contribute at peak rate.
  4. Efficiency gains - through greater accountability, achieving consistent results and minimising 'repeat' sessions.
  5. Focus and clarity of purpose - meetings become crisp and outcomes-focused.
  6. Use Action Meetings to make the most of the time you spend in meetings.

What is Action Meetings?

  1. Action Meetings is a highly effective method of conducting meetings of all types. It provides the framework that ensures that meetings are productive, crisp, short, action-bound, focused and enjoyable.
  2. Action Meetings directly addresses the reasons that cause meetings to be ineffective.
  3. It consists of a proven, repeatable process that has a structured format.
  4. It provides a strong mechanism to effectively manage the use of a costly, but essential business tool.

By design, meetings run as Action Meetings are:

  • Crisp
  • Consensual
  • Clear
  • Concentrating
  • Creative

Action Meetings are an active interaction for all participants and are designed to generate action points.

What will Action Meetings do for my business ?

  1. Accrue savings because the length of the traditional meeting is typically reduced by at least 23%.
  2. Gain productivity improvements from a reduction of 'repeat' meetings where the previous meeting failed to achieve the intended result(s).
  3. Develop 'crisp' sessions in which all participants contribute at their peak rate because they are not suffering from boredom or fatigue.
  4. Deliver time-bound actionable items owned by individuals.
  5. Improve satisfaction for meeting participants.
  6. Develop punctuality from a change in culture from late starting and late finishing meetings to a culture of 'we start and finish on time'.
  7. Greatly reduce staff stress and frustration.
  8. Develop a culture of consensual issue resolution.
  9. Develop an outcome focused culture.
  10. Improve staff confidence and presentation skills.
  11. Develop a pool of skilled meeting facilitators.

Product support

Virtual Group has a strategic partnership with the organisation that developed and supports Action Meetings.

Next step

For more information about how you can use Action Meetings give the Virtual Manager a call.

Phone +6421620456 or Skype Bruce.Holland
Key words: Leadership, leadership development, leadership management, leadership training, leadership program, leadership skills

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